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Writing an Informal Letter

Writing an Informal Letter
-Informal letters are also known as social or friendly letters.
-An informal letter is a letter you would write to a friend, a family member or an acquaintance. The classic informal letter has five parts as follows: (1) Includes your return address and the date of writing the letter...(2)…
-They are usually written to friends, relatives or members of the family. (The recipients of informal letters are people whom we know personally.)
-An informal letter, also referred to as a friendly letter, is a personal letter written to friends or relatives. There are fewer formatting rules for informal letters than there are for business or formal letters...
-Informal letters are usually written when asking for information and giving news about some event. Besides that, they are also written to thank, invite or keep in touch with someone.
Guidelines and Tips
(1)When writing an informal letter, you must remember to:
(a) write in a conversational style. Therefore, you can use contractions such as 'can’t', 'won’t', 'I'm' and so on.
(b) use appropriate expressions for salutation and closing
(c) arrange the contents of the letter in a logical sequence
(d) write in short paragraphs

(2)The format of an informal letter is as follows:

Useful links
In this chapter, you are taught how to write an informal letter.
Make use of the notes to write the letter.
You can follow the format that is provided in this chapter.
This letter-writing lesson can also be put into practical application in the future.
Follow the guidelines below to write an informal letter:
Write your address at the top right-hand corner of the letter. Put a comma after every line and a full stop at the end of the address.
Write the date below your address.
Write the salutation on the left–hand side of the letter
Begin your greeting with Dear…
Make sure you put a comma after the greeting.
Your letter must have an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
You can begin your letter with; (1) How are you? (2) I received your letter on...
Make sure that all your paragraphs are indented.
End your letter with; (1) Yours sincerely, (2) Your friend, on the right-hand side of the letter.

Model Question 1
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your friend is going to study overseas. Write a letter to him/her on the preparations that n to be done to go overseas. Use the notes to help you write.
-student visa/documents
-enough funds
-shop for proper clothes
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-suggest one other preparation that needs to be done
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose
Main Body: Advise friend on what to do to prepare to go overseas
Paragraph 1: student visa-important documents-troublesome if forgot
Paragraph 2: enough funds-living expenses
Paragraph 3: shop for proper clothes – four seasons
Paragraph 4: bring local food-herbs-spices-do not bring items not allowed
Conclusion: meet before leaving - give call - ending - signature

No 10. JalanTangsi
30450 Ipoh,
Perak, DarulRidzuan.
1 April 2016.
Dear Danial,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I’m excited to hear that you are going overseas to further your study.
Before you go, ensure that your student visa and all important documents are ready. It will be troublesome if you forgot any. Try to settle every single thing in Malaysia before you fly.
You should also ensure that you have enough funds for your living expenses. Although you are on scholarship, you still have to make sure it is enough. Remember not to spend on unnecessary items.
Since London has four seasons, you need different clothes for each season. You should buy the clothes for the season that you will be arriving in and buy the others after you have arrived.
I’m sure you will miss our local food. You could bring along a supply of local herbs and spices but do not bring food that may not be allowed into the country.
I have to stop now. I hope we could meet before you leave, so just give me a call. Until then, take care.
Your friend,
James Taller

Model Question 2
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your school held a sports day two days ago and you have promised your friend to write a letter to him/her about the event. Write a letter to your friend to describe your School Sports Day. Use the notes to help you write.
Sports day:
-gather at house tent
-speech by principal
-singing of the national anthem march past
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-state one other activity during your school’s sports day
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose
Main Body: Describe the occasion.
Paragraph 1: gather - tents respactive houses - speech
Paragraph 2: the national anthem and march past
Paragraph 3: sports events - highlight - relay events
Paragraph 4: - my house - Green House - champion – receive trophy -and with speech - tired - happy
Conclusion: hope to receive reply - signature ending
10, Taman Greentown,
30450 Ipoh,
Perak DarulRidzuan.
3 May 2016.
Dear Sherly,
How are you? I’m sorry that I did not reply to your letter sooner. I was busy preparing for my school’s sports day. I would like to tell you about it.
Before the event took place, the participants gathered early at the tents of their respective houses. At 8.45 a.m., our principal gave a speech to start the day.
After that, we sung the national anthem which was followed by the march past by the uniformed bodies. My brother participated in the march and I was proud of him.
All the sports events took place between 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. The relay events were the highlight of the sports event.
At the end, my house, the Green House, emerged champion and we received a trophy. The principal then gave a speech to end the day. By then, we were all tired but happy.
Unfortunately, I have to stop here for now. I do hope to receive a reply from you soon and phase tell me about your school’s sports day later. Until then, take care.
Your friend,
Lucy Green

Model Question 3
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your housing area was flooded recently. Write a letter to your friend about the incident. Use the notes to help you write.
-moved electrical gadgets upstairs
-evacuated to higher ground
-go back home
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-state one other detail of the incident
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose
Main Body: Describe what happened during the flood.
Paragraph 1: moved electrical gadgets upstairs - documents, valuables, secured
Paragraph 2: evacuated to safer place - boat - community hall - higher ground
Paragraph 3: donations - clothes - money - blankets
Paragraph 4: after flood - move back home - clean house
Conclusion: will write again once finished cleaning - ending - signature
No, 11, KampungBudiman,
34030 Taiping,
Perak DarulRidzuan
1 May 2016.

Dear Lee Hoon,
I’m sorry I haven’t written to you in a while.Two days ago, my housing area was float This was due to the unstoppable heavy rain in Taiping. My neighbourhood and a few on were also affected.
Lucky, we had expected the Hood. So we moved our electrical gadgets upstair*. Our important documents and valuables have been secured earlier.
By noon, we had to evacuate to a safer place by boats. That night, we stayed at i community hall that was located on higher ground. The place was not so comfortable as] they were crowd. However, I was thankful that at least, we had a place to stay
I did not realize how kind people were until this flood. There were donation of blankets clothes, and even money to help us. It was heartwarming.
When the water subsided, we moved back to our home. My family and I are still cleaning the house which is full of mud. It is a lot of hard work.
I have to stop now. I’ll write again once the cleaning up is done. Goodbye and take care.

Your friend,

Model Question 4
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You saw an advertisement about the Royal Circus of Dubai. You and your family went to the circus and had fun. Write a letter to your friend about your experience at the circus. Use the notes to help you write.
-front row seats
-performance by seals
-monkeys riding bicycles
-elephants - did clever tricks
When writing out your letter:
-you was use the notes given
-state two other experience at the circus
-add any other relevant information
write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose
Main Body: Describe the circus performances.
Paragraph 1: front row - good view - seals
Paragraph 2: monkeys - riding, mini bicycles - elephant show - clever tricks
Paragraph 3: trapeze act - dangerous
Paragraph 4: act by clowns - funny - cannot stop laughing
Conclusion: friend should come - ending - signature
Model Answer 4
No. 15, JalanLilin,
 43000 Kajang,
Selangor DarulEhsan,
4 February 2015.
Dear Thomas,
How are you? My family and I are fine. I just wanted to share with you my experience of going to the Royal Circus of Dubai. It was really exciting.
My dad got us front row seats, so we had a good view of the show. The first performance was by the seals. You should see the amazing way they balanced colourful balls on their noses. They were adorable as well!
The next performance was by the monkeys. They were riding mini bicycles around the ring. The elephant show was very entertaining as well. The elephants did very clever tricks.
Next was the performance by the trapeze artists. The trapeze act seemed so dangerous and we thought that they were going to fall down.
The most enjoyable performance was the clowns’ acts. They were so funny that we could not stop laughing. I really enjoyed all the performances and it was worth every cent!
Why don’t you come this weekend and we can go see it together. Let me know what you think. Good bye.
Your friend,
Robert Young

Model Question 5
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your friend told you about his/her sibling’s asthma attack. Write to your friend on ways to red asthma attack. Use the notes to help you write.
Steps to reduce asthma attack:
-clean up mould
-wash bed sheets and blankets
-keep away from smoke
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-suggest one other step to reduce asthma attack
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose of letter
Main Body: Explain how asthma attack can be prevented.
Paragraph 1: advise friend what could be done - clean up mould
Paragraph 2 : wash bed sheets - blankets - under the sun
Paragraph 3: do not let smoke near sister - keep pets out
Conclusion: take care family - ending - signature
Model Answer 5
Lot 101, JalanKolam Air,
71600 Jelebu,
Negeri Sembilan DarulKhusus.
10 February 2015.
Dear Murni,
I hope you are in the pink of health. I am rather concerned about your sister, Maya. I did some research about asthma attack and I really hope this will work.
Since this disease is incurable, you should help however you can to reduce the risks of attack. You ought to clean up mould with soap and water. Mould can irritate the respiratory passage and cause an asthma attack.
Bed sheets and blankets should be washed at least once a week. This will help remove dust that settles on such a large surface area. Drying them under the sun kills the germs.
Remember not to let smoke near her. Ventilate your kitchen and keep her away from smoking areas. If you keep furry pets, it is advisable to house them outside. Pets’ fur can cause irritation if inhaled.
I hope with all these steps, your sister’s condition will be better. I pray for her health and yours as well. Take care of yourself and your family. Till then, goodbye.
Your friend,
Melati Omar

Model Questions 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your friend is having difficulties in choosing a place to go for a holiday with her family. You have decided to tell her to go to Cameron Highlands. Write a letter to her about attractions in Cameron Highlands. Use the notes to help you write.
-Boh Tea Plantation - how tea is processed
-Strawberry farm - hand-picked, ice cream
-Butterfly Farm - different species of insects
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-state one other attraction in Cameron Highlands
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose of letter
Main Body: Describe the attractions in Cameron Highlands.
Paragraph 1: Boh Tea Plantation - walk - plantation - process - tea
Paragraph 2: strawberry farms - hand-picked strawberries - ice cream
Paragraph 3: Butterfly Farm - different species of insects and animals
market - fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers
Conclusion: send regards - family - ending - signature
Model Answer 6
No 2, Taman Seksyen 2,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor DarulEhsan.
23 January 2016.
Dear Alice,
How are you? I am doing well. Regarding where you should go for your holiday, I would suggest that you and your family go to Cameron Highlands.
I went there with my family a couple of months ago and the place is fascinating. One of the most famous attractions there is the Boh Tea Plantation. You can walk across the plantation and learn about how tea is processed. The view is also magnificent. You can take pictures for your memory of being there.
Furthermore, you can go to the strawberry farms. You can hand-pick strawberries and enjoy some freshly made strawberry ice cream with waffles. I can assure you that the taste of the ice cream is delicious.
A nature lover like you should go to the Butterfly Farm where you will find many different species of insects and animals living there. Additionally, you should tell your mother to go to the markets as she can buy fresh vegetables, fruits, and flowers. I know Aunt Lyn loves all of that.
I hope my suggestion can help you out. Send my regards to your family. Take care.
Your friend,

Model Question 7
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You and your family are planning a picnic. Your father has asked you to write a letter to your cousin to join your family for the picnic together. Use the notes to help you write.
-invite cousin and family
-family gathering
- prepare food
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-suggest one other activity for the picnic
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose of letter
Main Body: Explain the invitation for a picnic.
Paragraph 1: a while since the last get-together - mother misses aunt -family gathering
Paragraph 2: mother prepare some food - nasilemak- cousin’s favourite -egg sandwiches
Paragraph 3: beach activities-swimming-building sandcastles-collect shells - enjoy beauty.
Conclusion: inform family - tell decision - ending - signature
Model Answer 7
No 11, Apartment Setia,
JalanSeksyen 11,
40450 Shah Alam,
Selangor DarulEhsan
1 July 2015.
Dear Faiz,
How are you and your family? I hope all of you are in good health. My parents their regards to Uncle Zahid and Aunt Hana. I am writing to invite you and your far join us for a picnic at Cherating Beach next month.
As you know, it’s been a while since we had a get-together. My mother misses A* Hana so much. This picnic could be our family gathering and it is definitely a great up.
My mother will prepare some food for us. She will be making nasilemak, which knows is your favourite, and I will prepare some egg sandwiches. It could be nice if Hana can prepare same food as well.
I am sure you know that Cherating Beach is famous for its beauty. We can do sc beach activities like swimming, building sand castles and collect beautiful shells on beach while enjoying the clear waters and fine sand.
I hope you will consider this idea and tell your parents about it. Please let me know your decision. Take care.

Your cousin,

Model Question 8
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your best friend is taking up reading as hobby. He/she wrote you a letter to ask about your favourite book genres. Write a letter of reply to him/her. Use the notes to help you write.
Favourite book genres:
-science fiction – imaged or potential science
-humour – fun and excitement
-crime/detective – committed crime
When writing out your letter:
-you may use the notes given
-state one other favourite book genre of yours
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction: address - date - salutation - greeting - state purpose of letter
Main Body: Explain your favourite genres.
Paragraph 1 : science-fiction - imagined - potential science - set in the future
Paragraph 2 :humour - fun and excitement - cure for stress Paragraph 3 : crime or detective - committed crime - horror - gives chill
Conclusion: ask if want to borrow books - ending - signature
Model Answer 8

No 10, Taman D. Permai Gombak,
53100 Kuala Lumpur.
10 October 2015.
Dear Michael,
How are you? I hope you are doing fine. I am glad you have found a new hobby. Reading can definitely benefit us in a way that we can improve our language and broaden our vocabulary knowledge. There are many book genres that you can find and I would like to share with you my favourite book genres.
My most favourite genre is science fiction. Sci-fi is a story based on the impacts of imagined and potential science. This genre is usually set in the future or on other planets.
[1]also love humourous stories. Books in this genre are full with fun and excitement. I always read humour books whenever I am stressed.
Another genre is crime or detective. It is fiction about a committed crime and how the criminals get caught. I also like horror books. It gives me the chills as the events in the story evoke the feeling of fear within me. However, it is fun.
I hope this will help you find your preferred genres. Please ask me if you want to borrow my books. Take care.
Your friend, 